Friday, November 30, 2007


Nick, Drew and I decided to go again to Foxwoods tonight. I did way better than I did last time and learned some more warning signs, etc to look for. This time I came out up $94. I started out playing 2 / 4 and doubled money to being up $114. Then, since I was holding $224, I decided to give 4 / 8 a whirl. I ended up having a max up of about $164 while I was playing 4/8. But, a combination of 3 - 4 rounds of blinds plus a missed flush dropped me back down to $94. At that point, I was getting very tired and we had already been there for about 4 hours (this went down at 11pm). So, we decided that it was time to leave and I left up about $94. Based on tonight's performance, I think that my greed definitely makes me play a bit longer than I should. I should have really left when I was up $160, but decided that I might win more if I kept playing. But, at that point the table started getting tighter and I started getting tired, which made it harder to keep playing. Thus, it was a good decision for me to leave. Anyways, combined with my $20 from last time, I'm now up to $114 of made money. I'm looking forward to going agian.

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