Tuesday, July 3, 2007

College Poker Association Stuff.

So, I was thinking. This is theoretically a blog about the Yale Poker Scene / my poker experiences abroad and on www.collegepokerassociation.com. Well, maybe I should write down some of my thoughts about that website. The play on CPA isn't that great (not that I'm the greatest player in the world, either). It's just that when you're not playing for money, the play tends to get really loose and curiosity gets the better of most people. For instance, people are going all-in all the time with absolutely nothing. I'm not saying a little bit of aggression isn't warranted, but like 8 of the 10 folks at the table can't have it or anything close. The real action on CPA is in the sit & go tournaments for bronze, silver, and gold tickets and also the daily freerolls (i.e. where money is at the end of the tunnel). The bronze tournaments can be easily won by essentially sitting back until all the crazy folks have gone bust and then pushing it with a hand. The silver tournaments are good play usually. A good way to build up the "gold nuggets" and chips to play in as many freerolls and sit & go's as you want is the limit hold 'em tables. I usually play at the "Mackenzie" 100 / 200 limit table. I know you only start out with 1000 chips, but if you play a little very low buy-in no-limit hold 'em or build a stack at the limit table you'll be good for awhile. Anyways, the site is a great way to kill time and also make some money if you're so inclined. ;-) My SN on CPA is: chasiubao. It means "Roast Pork Bun" in Cantonese.

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