It turns out, though, that this time I have real data! My girlfriend gave me a Moleskin notebook for Christmas that conveniently fits into my back pocket. As such, while I was playing 2 / 4, I kept semi-meticulous notes (which also kept me focused, I think) and now I can present you with actual hands and other stats. This way, I won't be writing that, "Oh, I think I played well." Rather, I can show you what actually happened and you can judge for yourself:

Total Hands seen: 149, Total Hands played: 50, % played: 33.55%, Total Time played: 5h 42min

1. Qs-3s (BB), checked on BB, folded to a bet on the flop that missed me.
2. 8c-3c (BB), checked on BB, ".
3. 6h-4h (SB), called SB, ".
4. K-J (position 9), called pre-flop raise... won with 2 pair by the river... hmm should've taken better notes here.
5. Qc-Jc (5), called for $2 pre-flop, folded at flop.
6. K-7 (BB), checked pre-flop, folded flop.
7. 5-5 (SB), called pre-flop and I beat some guy who was holding 4-4.. He bet the flop of 7s - 7c - 10s. Everyone else folded and I called. He and I both checked the turn (6s) and the river (Jc).
8. A-10 (7), called a raise pre-flop. Flop came down: 9 - 10 - J everyone checked the flop. Turn came down: 2 (I called a bet), River came down: 2 (I called another bet). I'm not sure what I lost to, but I suspect it was a Jack. Not quite sure what I was thinking here.
9. Ad-8d (6), called a raise pre-flop with 8 players in the pot. Flop: 3d - ? - ?. I called a $2 bet here figuring I had 16 : 1 odds for the runner - runner flush. Turn: Ac I bet the turn. River: 8c and I bet the river and won with two pair. I really wish I had written down what the flop was.
10. 5h-6h (BB), checked pre-flop, folded flop.
11. 3-3 (10), called pre-flop on button. Missed the flop and folded.
12. Ac-7c (5), called pre-flop and missed the flop.
13. A-10 (3), called pre-flop and missed the flop.
(It's kinda looking like I'm a calling station at this point, but let's read on).
14. 2-4 (BB) checked pre-flop and folded flop.
15. A-10 (9) called pre-flop and called bets down to the river and got beaten by A - A, wish I had written down the board here.
16. A-J (4) called pre-flop and flopped A - J - ?. Presumably I bet through to the river and won since I didn't write anything except for a check mark.
17. 8h-9h (BB) presumably checked pre-flop and folded when I missed the flop.
18. 8-8 (9) called a pre-flop raise. Flop: 6 - Q - 4 someone bet and I raised. Turn: Q and I called a bet. River: 10 Someone bet and I (finally) folded. One guy was carrying pocket 2s and the other guy had Q - rag (interestingly, he was the same guy who raised pre-flop from, I think, the big blind).
19. 7-7 (3) called pre-flop. Flop: J - 6 - 9 and I folded to a bet. I'm not sure if this was the correct move here.
20. 9h-10h (1) called re-raised pre-flop (was this a wise decision?). Flop: 10 - 8 - Kh Called a bet @ 6 : 1 odds (I'm assuming this was crazy wrong with a runner-runner straight and runner-runner flush). Turn: A and called another bet (this was mad wrong). River: K and finally folded to a bet. What was I thinking here?
21. K-K (10) I know I raised pre-flop and won from there... but not sure what the board was.
22. Kc-10c (9) called pre-flop and missed flop most likely.
23. J-7 (SB) I won, but otherwise, no idea. I think I hit a straight.
24. J-10 (10) I won again, but apparently by betting on the river and causing some dude to fold when all I had was 10s. Next time I need to be more diligent with writing down the board.
25. Q-J (BB) checked pre-flop and folded on the flop: 8 - K - 6. Was this a good call?
26. Ad-2d (9) called a pre-flop raise most likely. Hit the flush on the turn and won a huge pot (~$70). (This point was my max up of like $132).
27. 7-7 (SB?) called pre-flop but folded to a flop of: 10 - ? - J.
28. 10d-9d (SB?) called pre-flop and flew of the handle when I flopped 2 pair: 10h - 9h - 7. Unfortunately, some dude was holding J - 8 in his hand. I'm pretty sure there were maybe 3 or 4 of us in the pot pre-flop. Should I raise this hand in general at SB?
29. A-9 (BB) checked the flop and then folded.
30. Ac-Qc (SB) raised pre-flop and some guy called with K - 3. Flop came: J - 9 - 3 . I bet the flop, turn and river and he held on with the 3s... I don't know if this was the right move.
31. 6-6 (8) called pre-flop and folded to a 4 : 1 bet on a flop of : 4 - 5 - 5. I think this was the right move.
32. J-2 (BB) checked and folded the flop.
33. J-9 (SB) Called pre-flop. Flop came: 10 - 8 - 5 and I called a $2 bet. Turn: 3, I called a $4 bet. River: 7 with no flush and I bet and was called / won. I'm pretty sure this was an o.k. play since I had 4 : 1 odds to call on the flop and turn.
34. 6-6 (7) called pre-flop and checked a flop of: 7 - 7 - ?. Folded to a bet on the turn.
35. (10-2) (BB) checked and then folded to a bet on the flop.
36. Qs-Js (3) called pre-flop fold on flop 8d - Kh - 6h. Folded with 5 : 1 odds on flop.
37. K-8 (BB) check pre-flop fold on flop with 7 : 1 odds : 4c - 6s - 3d.
38. 4-4 (6) called pre-flop then folded to 5 - 6 - K flop.
39. Ac-9c (7) called pre-flop then folded to a flop of Ks - 6d - 10s
40. A-Q (6) raised pre-flop flop: J - 3 - ?, bet and called raise on flop and folded on turn. I assume "nothin'" means that I didn't catch the turn at all...
41. Ac-Jc (5) called pre-flop raise, called $2 on flop and folded the turn. 8 - 8 -7 - 5 - 2 (I presume there was one club on the flop).
42. 8c-2c (SB) called $1 and then folded on flop bet.
From this point on my notes on position get shoddy presumably because it was getting kinda late.
43. A-Q : Called pre-flop, checked the flop and raised the turn and the guy folded... no idea what was on the board... man this isn't useful.
44. 8s-9s Called pre-flop with 4 flush on the flop... didn't make it by the river.
45. A-J called pre-flop, flop and turn, but folded river. I guess I'm a calling station :). Flop was
7 - 8 - 9. My guess is I was chasing a gutshot?
46. 8-5 (BB) check then fold.
47. J-J (7) Called pre-flop raise. Flop came: Qd - K - Kd so I folded to a bet here. Turn was 4d and river was 5s. Some dude made a flush.
48. Jd-10d (6) called pre-flop and folded on flop bet of 7s - Qc - 10c then turn of Ad...
49. 9-9 (5) called pre-flop folded on flop bet on: 3 - Q - K.
50. K-K (3), I raised pre-flop, some dudes called. The flop came down 10 - 8 - ? and some dude was carrying 10s - 8s so he hung on until the river despite me betting the flop and the turn. (I called his river bet).
So, having written all this down it seems like I'm calling station / I fly off the handle... maybe someone can email me tips? / I should post some of these hands on the twoplustwo forums...